East Central Alberta Female Hockey League By-laws
The ECAFHL By-laws are governed by the Province of Alberta's Society Act. The ECAFHL By-Laws underwent a major overhaul in 2016/2017 and were adopted and approved on April 5, 2017. The By-laws had an addition Sept. 2019. As per the ECAFHL By-Laws any changes to these By-Laws need to be presented to the ECAFHL Executive in writing a minimum of forty five (45) days prior to the Fall AGM Meeting. No ECAFHL By-Law changes can be made during the Spring Meeting.
Hockey Alberta Discipline Guidelines
The following chart shows the minimum suspensions that must be assessed to all Players and Team Officials for a violation of the corresponding Playing Rule
Alberta One Operating Directives, Regulations, Policies & Procedures
The Alberta One Operating Directives, Regulations, Policies & Procedures is a major step in the Alberta One initiative, which has strived to develop consistent, standardized and aligned league operating standards across Alberta. The Alberta One Operating Directives, Regulations, Policies & Procedures set the standard under which Minor Hockey Leagues in Alberta will collectively operate to provide customer-focused League and competition models.
Alberta One Operating Directives
East Central Alberta Female Hockey League Directives
ECAFHL has aligned with the Alberta one operating directives and has developed the following league directives for members to ensure fairness and transparency across the league.